Zalando Slovenia Open Range

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Zalando, vodilna spletna modna platforma v Evropi, ima nekaj za vsakogar – od čevljev in oblačil do dodatkov in športnih oblačil. Bodi to, kar si želiš in ustvari svoj edinstven videz z mešanico priljubljenih high street znamk, vrhunskih dizajnerjev in neodvisnih blagovnih znamk. Z več kot 1900 blagovnimi znamkami, ki čakajo na odkritje, je možnosti neskončno. In to še ni vse. Ali veš, da Zalando ponuja brezplačno dostavo za vsak izdelek? In če si po nakupu premisliš, ali pa se ti izdelek ne prilega popolnoma - brez skrbi. Za celotno vračilo kupnine nam lahko brezplačno vrneš svoje neuporabljene izdelke v roku 100 dni od oddaje naročila.Če želiš več modnih vsebin, moderiranih izborov in navdihov za outfite, pojdi na zalando.co.uk zdaj.

Zalando, the leading online fashion platform in Europe, has something for everyone - from shoes and clothes to accessories and sportswear. Be who you want to be and create your own unique look with a mix of popular high street brands, top designers and independent brands. With over 1,900 brands waiting to be discovered, the possibilities are endless. And that's not all. Did you know that Zalando offers free shipping on every product? And if you change your mind after purchase, or if the product doesn't fit you perfectly - don't worry. For a full refund, you can return your unused products to us free of charge within 100 days of placing your order. For more fashion content, curated selections and outfit inspiration, head over to zalando.co.uk now.

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