Razer Gold is the unified virtual credit for gamers worldwide. Users gain access to additional or exclusive content for their favorite multiplayer games, mobile games, or online entertainment services, at better prices. Use Razer Gold to get rewarded with Razer Silver and exclusive game deals. Get ready to enjoy your favorite games and rewards instantly together with Razer Gold code at a cheaper price today.
How to redeem your code:
1. Go to the Razer ID Page and log in to your account
2. Click on the “Gold” tab on the menu bar
3. Click “top up”
4. Select “Razer PIN” as the payment option 5. Enter your code and click “Next”
Your new Razer Gold credit has now been added to your Razer Wallet. Note that the code cannot be replaced. Please keep it in a safe place.
Usage of this card is subject to user’s acceptance of Razer Gold’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at gold.razer.com. Compatible software/hardware/internet access required. Risk of loss and title for this card passes to purchaser upon purchase. Razer is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost or stolen cards, or use without permission, or incorrect use. Not for resale. Not redeemable for cash. No refunds or exchanges, except as required by law. Razer and its licensees, affiliates and licensors make no warranties express or implied with respect to this card and disclaim any warranty to the fullest extent available and as permitted by law. Void where prohibited.