Playstation Store Code (PLN - Poland) codes are region and currency specific. Please check the currency and the region of your account before ordering this product.
Online Redemption
Go to PlayStation Store and log in to your account
Under your PlayStation ID, click on Redeem a Prepaid Card.
Insert the code and click continue to top up your wallet
Redeem on the PlayStation App
Open the PlayStation App
Go to the Store and select Redeem Codes
Enter the code and click continue
Redeem on your PS4 or PS5
Connect to your account
From the menu select PSN
Go to Account Information, Wallet, the Add Funds
Enter the code under Redeem Codes
Redeem on your PS3, PS Vita or PSP
Connect to your account
From the Account Management or PlayStation Store menu, click on Redeem Codes
Enter the code and confirm
Please read before your purchase. Your use of this code constitutes your acceptance of the terms and any additional terms available at